For character design we were asked to create a creature that could live in Cyprus. I originally started out with the idea of a big predator, like a large cat that would live in the more rocky areas, like a mountain lion or something. Apparently the Cyclops came from Cyprus which would make sense, so I thought whatever I did I'd give it one eye. But then if a large predator only had one eye it would need a way to see its surroundings, so I thought of giving it quite a long neck, but after actually sketching this it really didn't work. So I completely changed to a large lizard. So this lizard would be around 3 - 5 feet long, depending on sex, place in hierarchy etc. and would still live in the more rocky regions. The back legs are more like a goats, and it would move more like one too, being able to move into a fast trot or run. Having strong back legs makes it easier for the creature to leap and climb the terrain as well. The tusks that grow from under their jaws are found on males and are used to dig up roots and small bugs and to create nests. They live in small family groups mainly consisting of females. They are also used as weapons against other males and other threats. Their helmets grow after they hatch, and grow out from the front of their jaw and over the back of their heads to protect the soft skin over their skulls. Few young survive because damage can be caused to their skulls very easily. If a lizards helmet is cracked or broken off then they will not survive long, as they are unable to take the heat, and if something were to fall on their heads they would not survive. Therefore, if one were to have their helmet cracked they are rejected by the rest of the group. They also have a pattern on these helmets that looks like on large eye so when viewed from above or from straight on they do resemble a Cyclops. This helps to ward off aerial predators. Their chests are concaved and, very much like a kangaroo would, their children climb up the mothers’ bodies and live inside their mothers chests until their helmets are fully formed. I'm not sure what I was going for with the tail, but it would be pretty impractical, as it could get caught on rocks. Other ideas would include fur tails, or the one I like best would be a large fanned tail.
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