Sunday 21 March 2010

Practice Makes Perfect:

I really, really need to get on it with photoshop. Really need the practice. And also to ACTUALLY FINISH THINGS. I just went through loads of my folders and have about 10 things that would be so good for a portfolio IF THEY WERE FINISHED. Man. So that's added onto the plan.

Because of this, I am posting up these sequence images of a painting a started doing a couple of months ago and (surprise, surprise) never finished. But if it's up where people can see it, it might give me more of an incentive to finish it. Hopefully.

So since I started this I have learnt that starting with the lines was not really the best idea, but I'm trying to work them out, and in a few newer pieces I've started with the shading. I'm pretty sure that if I spent a good day or two on this I could make it look alright, I just get dragged into the details.


  1. The last image is gorgeous ... maybe the entire image needs to be cropped? Sometimes that's the missing thing in making a perfect image ... i don't know .... Nice use of textures too.

  2. The last one of the the whole thing or the last one of the arse? I'll do some experimenting with cropping, that's a good idea.

  3. The arse one, not trying to discredit the rest, the last one just really stood out for me. When you put it in your portfolio do a page of closeups yeah? Not that i'd need to tell you to do that mind you ...

  4. This is great stuff. My personal favorite is the fact your showing step by step process which is always a good habit to get into. The lighting is pretty spot on, maybe lower the contrast around the lighting so it has a bit more of a dramatic effect.

  5. You mean make the light less... bright? or make it darker away from the light?

  6. Just darker away from the light. I love that creature by the way, it seems rather sweet.

  7. gotcha, okay i'll give it a go now, cheers for the feedback dear.

  8. Like the contrast you got in there, have you studied composition yet?
    I learnt alot from this article:

    Your anatomy looks a bit skewed there Hannah, intentional? Human anatomy is the bread and butter of being a character artist. Study the life drawing books and do lots of drill (don't spend too long on details - do quick sketches to get the form right and move on)


  9. I love this series of work Hannah :)
